Let the giving spirit of Christmas dawn on your life

each day of the new year

Sunrise at Wire Lake

Taken with a Nikon D300 at Wire Lake in

Emigrant Wilderness, CA in 2011

Lona and I hope that your year was a good one. It has been a better year for us. Lona has completed her year-long Kaiser chronic pain clinic and has learned how to manage and control her SI joint pain much better. She has taken her kitchen back from me and is functioning pretty well. She didn't have to miss any operas this year.

Because of caring for Lona, I was not able to take my annual trip to MU to join the Physics Department Alumni Support group last year. This last Oct. Lona was able to take care of herself sufficiently that I was able to leave her for four days to attend the meetings. The trip was wonderful. This year was extra special. It was the 50th anniversary of moving into the new physics building (which I had participated in). The meetings were combined with an alumni reunion, so I got to see old friends.

Besides our usual activities, I did a BIG project this year. Back in the last century, long before TiVo, I had created a VHS tape and DVD based system that accomplished the same thing. My equipment was wearing out and was no longer recording my TV programs reliably.

I bought an assortment of refurbished, used, and new computer equipment and put it together to create a TV recording, media center that transmits the recorded TV shows over my computer network to any TV in the house. I spent far less for this stuff than I had for the previous equipment. My biggest struggle was getting my network fast enough to transmit HD TV. I wound up having to crawl under the house to string ethernet cable. It was a huge job, but we are very pleased with the result. Why didn't I just rent a TiVo? What fun is that?

Lona and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas day and will have a great 2016. Stay happy and healthy.

Lona and Don